The company TABO-CS spol. s r.o. (Ltd.) provides for customers especially in countries of Central and Eastern Europe services as follows:

  • Fabrication, delivery, on-site mounting and servicing of modern cremation equipment
  • Turn-key projects, building of new crematoria, reconstructions and modernizing of existing crematoria
  • Ancillary equipment for crematoria delivery
  • Cremators for small domestic animal delivery
  • Full scope of tailor – made deliveries of Facultatieve-Technologies (cremators, incinerators, filtering equipment etc.)
  • Expert opinions and consultancy, thermo-technical measurements, services of chartered engineers , technicians and expert witness
  • Training of operating staff

Long-term experience of its experts the Company uses in a wide complex of specialized business providing services and expert consultations during preparation as well as realization of business projects, during pre-designing and designing of crematoria building, modernizing and reconstructions. On demand of the customer, the Company ensures complete new crematoria building, where appropriate, its reconstruction and modernization as a turn-key contract, i.e. architectural and technological studies, realization and hand-over of the equipment adjusted to operational parameters. The Company is ready to carry out also reconstructions of other parts of a crematorium than cremation technology itself (cool chambers, central heating, sanitary background, air engineering, electric distribution system etc.). At reconstruction it is suitable to consider completion with a heat recovery system which helps to reduce energy consumption of the building (reduction of operational costs ). On the basis of comprehensive system of service contracts on various levels the Company provides both warranty and post-warranty service, individually adapted to requirements of each customer and local conditions of every crematorium.

Offered products and services the Company adapts to individual requirements of its customers both in terms of technical solutions and financing.

Our ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

Fulfillment of high operational and technical demands together with requirements for ethics of the cremation process and ecological harmlessness, aesthetics, hygiene and safety of work, these are the criteria, which govern the construction and production of cremation equipment delivered by all companies – members of FACULTATIEVE TECHNOLOGIES belonging to “de Facultatieve“ Group.